Tag Archives: Wales

“Dyrnwyn’s Fire” now available

New fantasy short story available!

“Dyrnwyn’s Fire”

Hitler seeks the magical Thirteen Treasures of Britain. Vivian, immortal lover of Merlin, faces the task of waking him from his bespelled slumber to guard the treasures—even though seeing him again breaks her heart.

According to legend, the sword Dyrnwyn, one the of the Treasures, blazes with fire when drawn. A weapon? A test of worthiness? Or an opportunity for Vivian to rid her heart of this cursed love once and for all?

“Dyrnwyn’s Fire” originally appeared in the collection Written on the Coast.

If you’d like to purchase a copy of this story, it’s available in ebook format from these fine establishments:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Omnilit | Smashwords | iBooks

And if you enjoyed this story, check out the other stories in Written on the Coast!

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