Category Archives: Kudos

A nice review of Tempest, the new Valdemar anthology

51Y2hLCKcPL._SX308_BO1,204,203,200_Here’s a thoughtful review of Tempest: All-New Tales of Valdemar, the latest Valdemar anthology, with a specific mention of my story, “Unraveling the Truth” (warning: there’s a minor spoiler in the review, so you might want to read the story first).

And here’s a link to Tempest on Amazon, if you’re so inclined. (It’s available via any bookseller.)

Happy reviews mean happy authors! It’s always such a thrill to be included in these volumes, too!

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What do Shirley Jackson, Stephen King, Elmore Leonard, and I have in common?

OMG OMG OMG flaily hands! My thriller story “The Scent of Amber and Vanilla” is an Honorable Mention in the The Year’s Best Crime & Mystery Stories 2016!

You know who else is on the Honorable Mentions list? Shirley Jackson, Stephen King,* and Elmore Leonard. Among others.**

Yes, I am running around the apartment screaming. No, I do not have pants on.


*Ironic note: The story was inspired by a writing exercise in King’s On Writing.

**Also, my friends Annie Reed, Kelly Washington, Dan Duval, and Angela Penrose have stories in the volume, and I know several other people in the Honorable Mentions list, so booyah! to all of you. I’m going to go lie down now.