Intermarital communication at its finest

Aaaargh! When I told Ken yesterday he should rent a car, I meant rent a car at LAX to drive home (rather than wait for the shuttle). He thought I meant rent a car in Portland—and he thought it was a really smart idea because it’s cheaper to rent a car there for a round trip rather than rent a one-way car here to drive there on Sunday.

So instead him arriving at LAX at 3 pm and being home by 5 or so, he won’t be home ’til the middle of the night. I have things I need to talk to him about before I leave at 7:45 am—things that are in the house. We have stuff to do.

We’re both laughing about it, really. Wow, we’ve never had that kind of miscommunication before. Guess there’s always a first time!  😀

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